Under 21s Clinic
The SOS (Sorted on Sex) clinic at 'Off the Record, Murray Place, Stirling, runs on
Mondays and Thursdays 4.00-6.00pm to provide contraceptive and sexual health advice to the under 25s
Tel. 01786 450518
Over 21s
Patiens can self refer to the Sexual Health Service by phoning 01324 673554 and will be triaged by a senior nurse.
Further information is available on the www.centralsexualhealth.org website.
Family Planning Clinics
Provides contraceptive and general sexual health advice at:
Stirling Community Hospital - Tuesday 5.30-7.30pm
Tel. 01786 434000
Orchard House Health Centre, Union Street, Stirling - Friday 1.00-3.30pm
Tel. 01786 463448
Falkirk Community Hospital - Tuesday 6.00pm, Wednesday 2.00pm, Thursday 1st and 3rd in month 6.00pm
Tel: 01324 611711
Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinics
Provide advice about genital problems and sexually transmitted infections:
Orchard House Health Centre, Union Street, Stirling
Tel: 01786 433697
Monday, Thursday afternoon drop-in clinic 1.15pm-3.45pm
Thursday morning by appointment only (01786 433697)
Falkirk Community Hospital
Monday and Wednesday afternoon drop-in clinic 1.15pm-3.45pm
Monday and Friday morning by appointment only (01324 613944)
Genito-urinary Medicine Helpline:
Falkirk: Tel. 01324 613944
Stirling: Tel. 01786 433697
Emergency Contraception
Available from Doune Health Centre and also many pharmacies including Woodside Pharmacy, Doune, Trossachs Pharmacy Callander, Farrens Pharmacy, Callander and Bannerman Pharmacy, Dunblane.